Thursday, February 5, 2009

LollyPOP & My New HAircUt!

i was so damn bored at home i went out and met my darling at her house..
we hang out 2gether and guess what? i cut my hair again..yeap! i repeat 'AGAIN!'
haha..just a short layer2 bah..and i got this lollypop from sumone..eheks..(thank you so much! i just love lollypop..-bikin kasi rusak gigi org tua bilang haha..-) damn it so big! i can't eat it alone..kalo makan pun sa rasa sayang pla..cuz it just too cute to eat!, b4 abis itu lollypop..i took sum pictures of the lollypop and me..ehehehe..boring gila kan..ahahaha..(mcm org gila ja sa bhee..)
and here's my best shot! ahaks! (bulih jd model uda..haha)

i've uploaded some of it in fB too..i wanted to upload it in my frenster tp frenster mcm s***! nda ble buka..palui btul owh..!
bikin panas ne.. & i more thing..i noe i suck at edit2 thingy..but hey! i have sum fun duin it!
haha! okai..okai..pjg lebar pla sa tulis2 nih..
bah..hino ko noh..

lotsa LURVE,
DApHne FaY